Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг


Автор: musha

Дата: 06.05.04, @01:45

  ' sbivaesh fiksaciu i hodish peshkom ili ezdish na audi?
' piesh vodu (ved vkus eto osus4enie - irrelevant), ili viskar dorogoi toje?
' kushaesh tolko belii hleb ili ikru toje inogda?
' budda 2500 let nazad ved golii sidel na kamne.
' not in 'раз просветленный значит на камне голым должен сидеть ' however looking back in history this is also true, to name a few, Jesus, Buddha, but in the fact that rejecting 'feelings' u still live and make decisions into world full of feelings. say, select 'audi' prior to 'nissan' is absolutely based on feelings, because keeping feeling aside, nissan is better using facts.
' and I thing that 'раз просветленный значит на камне голым должен сидеть', was introduced not due to bizarre issues, but because it has stong underlying facts. u cannot abstract from 'feelings' living in world and using world sensible stuff. remember, passion of a Christ? u cannot eat fish and seat on dick. great 'post' was designed due to strong reason.
' упуская суть... да просветленный может поститься 40 дней, но это не значит, что ты поголодав станешь просветленным Короче ты проигнорировал практически все, что я тебе сказал.

actions should be ordered. of course 'поголодав' u will not 'станешь просветленным', but one will not as well 'cтанешь просветленным' after reading of Blavatskaya.

you have not answered as well, how person who wants to get rid of feelings can live in the world full of feelings. after all, am I not right that choice nissan vs audi is based completely on feelings?

regarding questions to karma. u will not believe, I use this technique from school. when I cannot find answer on problem immediately, I put it on hold. usually next day, or day after day I receive answer. of course I receive it from my own mind, which spends half of night idle.

and am I correct, u r not using medicals and medicin at all? only work with 'thin' world?

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