Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

техас (+)

Автор: Филипп3
Дата: 18.04.13, @15:33

  один из самых нерегулируемых государством штатов

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Adair Grain was doing business as West Fertilizer and was in the business of fertilizer mixing and storage.

In 2006, a complaint about an ammonia smell at Adair Grain led Texas to investigate Adair's failure to get an air pollution permit. That complaint apparently was resolved by Texas granting Adair a permit. Adair's permit was to store anhydrous ammonia. Anhydrous ammonia is used to produce ammonium nitrate.

Industrial production of ammonium nitrate mixes anhydrous ammonia gas and concentrated nitric acid which creates a violent, exothermic (hot) reaction. Small beads or granules are formed either in a spray tower or a rotating drum. The beads or granules then are then dried, cooled, and then coated to prevent caking.

Adair reportedly had 54,000 pounds of anhydrous ammonia. Anhydrous ammonia is stored closed tanks and is explosive at certain concentrations.

The air permit can be found at http://www2.tceq.texas.gov/airperm/index.cfm?fuseaction=airpermits.project_report&proj_id=124559&addn_num_txt=79803.

в штатах очень распространенное явление, когда корпорация что-нибудь построит, отравит городок, а потом идет вековое разбирательство
вот если говорить о коррупции, то на уровне построить гадость рядом с детским садом, в штатах с этой коррупцией все отлично

Yep, we need less government, less regulation, less restrictions on where fertilizer plants can build, less government-funded research on agri-sciences, less restrictions on fertilizer storage limits, and just less government.

Something was clearly amiss at this plant. Our policies have failed and so have Texas state regulators. It is what happens in "less-regulation-business-friendly-environments."

Probably too conspiratorial but...seven earthquakes in oklahoma and fracking in the waco area. Can't help but wonder what "ignited" the fertilizer.

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