Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: Я тоже не представляю, потому как кроме Сербина и не слышал больше никаких :-) Но Сербин - злоупотребляет явно (+)

Автор: Арчер
Дата: 18.02.12, @08:55

  Так это так и задумано! ))) Вот я с Гоблином согласен, когда тот говорит, что не надо "улучшать", не надо делать "глаже". Вот:

From its debut, Deadwood has drawn attention for its extensive profanity. It is a deliberate anachronism on the part of the creator with a twofold intent. Milch has explained in several interviews that the characters were originally intended to use period slang and swear words. Such words, however, were based heavily on the era's deep religious roots and tended to be more blasphemous than scatological. Instead of being shockingly crude (in keeping with the tone of a frontier mining camp), the results sounded downright comical. As one commentator put it "… if you put words like 'goldarn' into the mouths of the characters on 'Deadwood', they'd all wind up sounding like Yosemite Sam."[8]

Instead, it was decided that the show would use current profanity in order for the words to have the same impact on modern audiences as the blasphemous ones did back in the 1870s.

The other intent in regards to the frequency of the swearing was to signal to the audience the lawlessness of the camp in much the same way that the original inhabitants used it to show that they were living outside the bounds of "civil society".

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