Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: Типа, PC умирает как игровая платформа?

Автор: Archer
Дата: 01.12.06, @22:37

  '' Снова однобокость. Зачем? ET и WOW традиционно сильны в жанре, характерном для PC. Я вот предлагаю GRAW и SCDA пощупать на предмет приоритетов. Многое снова станет на свои места.

И так уж и быть, чтобы ты не повторял глупости. Если умеешь по английски то вперед:

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter finally makes its way over to the PC, and as far as the single-player game goes, this version of the game might be the most overall impressive of all. The massive urban areas you fight in are even larger and more detailed than the already spacious areas in the Xbox 360 version of the game, adding a great deal of tension since this added landmass makes for many times more possible hiding places for bad guys. Also, there's more interactivity to the world and flexibility with the tactical map, which gives you more precise control over your teammates.


Those familiar with the Xbox 360 version of Double Agent will find roughly the same experience in this version, which feels like it was ported from the console. Of course, the default controls are different, though Splinter Cell has always played about as well using a mouse and keyboard as with a gamepad, and this year's game is no different. Visually, the PC version looks nearly as good as the graphically impressive Xbox 360 version, if you have a powerful PC.

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