Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: Очень похоже (+)

Автор: Филипп3
Дата: 21.12.13, @14:26

  ' а вот что в больном сознании арчера с мушей - загадка...
' В доказательство своей "правоты" Филипп стал комменты постить))) Ахха)

у тебя что есть в докозательство твоей правоты?
один придурошный блогер?

я тебе показал, как воспринимают этот шаг путина на западе

Khodorkovsky has stood the test and he will enjoy his precious freedom again. My best wishes to him. Thank God Mr. Putin cooled down on him.

Whether on humanitarian grounds or not I think this time the salient point is that Mr Putin has done the right thing again just as in the case of the recent moves in Russian foreign policy and all we are left with is to either recognise this move or simply shrug our shoulders.

Putin is only as strong as he is Internationally because the 'West' has weakened to the point of puppets when dealing with him.
Russians know the rules as really nothing changed much there since the '50s/60s.
Not everybody's favourite guy by any means.

Vladimir Putin proving once again that he is the consummate statesman. Magnanimous as well as unafraid to uphold the rule of law (see the Greenpeace hooliganism). Western liberals criticize him because they are unaware of Russian culture and of course through spite.

The UK has a far worse justice system than Russia. Let's face it most of the corrupted British politicians who are caught wriggle out of any wrong doing with all manner of lame excuses. They can bribe anyone. On the other hand Russia knows how to deal with bent corrupted figures whether in Politics or business by putting them in jail where they belong. If you break the law then you get justice.


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