Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

потому что это не столько

Автор: musha
Дата: 09.12.13, @02:08

  ' инфы по квотам мало
' видимо, очень не любят афишировать публично квоты
' надо лопатить тонны договоров и бумажек
' хочется - займись

о квотах сколько о субсидировании. вот выжимка http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Agricultural_Policy

вот про сахар

Sugar regime reform (2005–2006)[edit]

One of the crops subsidised by the CAP is sugar produced from sugar beet; the EU is by far the largest sugar beet producer in the world, with annual production at 17 million metric tons. This compares to levels produced by Brazil and India, the two largest producers of sugar from sugar cane.[11]
Sugar was not included in the 1992 MacSherry reform, or in the 1999 Agenda 2000 decisions; sugar was also subject to a phase-in (to 2009) under the Everything But Arms trade deal giving market access to least developed countries. As of 21 February 2006, the EU has decided to reduce the guaranteed price of sugar by 36% over four years, starting in 2006. European production was projected to fall sharply. According to the EU, this is the first serious reform of sugar under the CAP for 40 years.[12][13] Under the Sugar Protocol to the Lome Convention, nineteen ACP countries export sugar to the EU,[14] and will be affected by price reductions on the EU market.
These proposals followed the WTO Appellate Body largely upholding on 28 April 2005 the initial decision against the EU sugar regime.[15]

вот про квоты
Production quotas and 'set-aside' payments were introduced in an effort to prevent overproduction of some foods (for example, milk, grain, wine) that attracted subsidies well in excess of market prices. The need to store and dispose of excess produce was wasteful of resources and brought the CAP into disrepute. A secondary market evolved, especially in the sale of milk quotas, whilst some farmers made imaginative use of 'set-aside', for example, setting aside land which was difficult to farm. Currently set-aside has been suspended, subject to further decision about its future, following rising prices for some commodities and increasing interest in growing biofuels

те радостные фермеры готовы производить любое количество продукции которая субсидируется. поэтому и ввели квоты.

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