Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: 90% орг в сша - произведено в сша

Автор: Филипп3
Дата: 27.07.13, @21:35

  The United States imports $3 billion a year in farm products from China. Trade data does not single out organic farm products, which are believed to account for a small but growing portion of the total. The upward trend can be seen in the number of Chinese organic producers certified under Agriculture Department rules, which rose more than 200 percent, to 669 last year, from 216 in 2008. China is one of the biggest exporters of agricultural products to the United States.

за 2010 год зарегистрированных поставщиков органики в сша из китая выросло с 216 до 2008

это 3 года назад, ща их намного больше, уверен

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