Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Re: Соблаговолю, соблаговолю... :)

Автор: Шура Локшин

Дата: 05.12.00, @22:18

  `Это что за ахинея ? И о чем говорит сайт на geocities непонятного происхождения, в котором написано что Мерседес произвел в Мексике в 1998 года 755 машин непонятных моделей ?

Сам ты ахинея.

DaimlerChrysler has one car and two truck plants in Mexico. They ran at an overall rate of 93 percent for the year. Ford operates one plant with 2 separate lines producing cars and light trucks. A second plant produces cars only. Combined, the two plants averaged 50 percent utilization, primarily the result of low demand in the U.S. market for the models produced there. (Ford's U.S. plants where these models also are assembled exceeded 70 percent utilization.) General Motors has one car and one truck plant in Mexico. They ran at a combined rate of 104 percent of rated capacity in 1998. Volkswagen's single car plant operated at 93 percent of rated capacity. Nissan's plant produces cars and light trucks on separate lines. Overall, the plant ran at 64 percent of rated capacity. BMW, Honda, and Mercedes operate low volume plants that assemble just a few thousand vehicles per year. BMW ran at 50 percent of capacity; Honda at 49 percent; and Mercedes at 19 percent.

Ну и что, что их собирают мало. Я не говорил, что все-все-все мерседесы тут - мексиканские.

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