Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Блин, вроде среди простых людей живешь!:) По русски давай! Или по украИнски! :))(-)

Автор: forest™

Дата: 10.11.03, @13:15

  ' It's not letting me write Cyrillic.
' So I just wanted to say that the russian dubbing was probably not the only problem, 'cause the american reviewers on IMDB.COM and RottenTomatoes say just the same thing regarding dialogues as I do. Just look at this quotations below.
' ...Matrix 2 was crap, but Matrix 3 easily topped even that!!! The special FX were okay, but the story and especially the dialogues sucked big time! They were SOOOO cheesy...
' ...It is clear that the Wachowski brothers were lucky with the first Matrix movie. They have no idea how to craft a story or a script. The dialogue in Revolutions was worse than a solo George Lucas Star Wars script and I mean that!...
' ...The main questions: Will Neo save the humans? Will he be victorious over the machines? Will that "love-story" between him and Trinity have a happy ending? The answer is...that those questions won't even be answered! Even worse, we get to see a quiet many dialogues, which no one will understand. ...
' ...And the first half hour is filled with completely gibberish dialogue. All I could think of was: 'yeah sure, interesting, but get started with the action.'...
' ...On the negative side - some of the dialogue is a little hammy - but then again it always kinda was...
' ...The dialogue was bad and predictable, which is kinda expected I guess...
' ...The rest of the film consists of yawn-inducing CGI failing miserably to spruce up some seen-it-all-before battle sequences, plus an odd mix of stupid and pseudo-intellectual dialogue, clichЁ¦s and boring characters. Keanu barely gets a look-in....
' ...The characters were flat, the dialog was terrible (sometimes I felt Keanu was reading from cue cards,...

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