Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

А что, все как во всех языках. Чего удивительного-то? (-)

Автор: Барма
Дата: 16.05.03, @14:10

  ' This is one example of the use of traditional Cockney rhyming slang ...
' `Ullo, mate. Come in awf (out) of de frog an' toad (road) an' 'ave a cuppa Rosie (cup of tea). It's on de Cain an'Abel (table). But wipe yer plates o' meat (feet) 'cos de ol' trouble an' strife (wife)'s just scrubbed de Rory O'More (floor). She's up de apples an' pears (upstairs) 'avin' a bo-peep (sleep). I'm still on de cob an coal, (dole). Get into that lion's lair (chair) and let's chew the fat (have a chat).'
' Нда-аа...

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