Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: George Scerbakov

Дата: 10.01.02, @14:48

  только они ничего не меняют. Могу добавить оттуда следующее мнение некой Ирины Серовой:

First of all, it was a bad idea to bring it for audiences outside Soviet Union. This movie was based on Russian fairy tales for LITTLE children. And it was made with whatever technical means were available in USSR in 1964. And they were far from great. Do not watch it, because most of you would hate the quality and would be lost in the poor translation. I loved it when I was a kid, I still do, but it is a nostalgic thing. P.S. About guy wearing lipstick. The whole thing was meant to be a grotesque. Clown paint their faces, it is the same kind of thing.

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