Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: Мдяяяя(+)

Автор: Archer
Дата: 10.01.02, @14:11

  Крайне тенденциозная подборочка. Не поленился сходить туда же (Imdb) и

"Морозко" ака Jack Frost

This is one of the greatest kids movies made back in the Sixties... Think
of it as a Russian "Wizard of OZ", an instant hit for it's time but now just
a nostalgic piece of art, interesting for historians or real cinema fans.

I think that Jack Frost is a very good movie. It teaches many good things
such as honesty and respect (episode of Ivan and mushroom-man).

Wonderful Russian Heathen Folk Tale!

It is a good childrens' movie and a great movie for adults with an
imagination, much for like those fans of "Nightmare Before Christmas!"

This film is a broadly humorous children's fairy tale based on Eastern
European story telling traditions. The costuming and filming are generally
wonderful considering the obvious financial constraints facing the director.

В общем, нечего на американцев пенять, когда... Ну, понятно.

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