Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: я тебе ссылку на исследования дал (+)

Автор: Филипп3
Дата: 30.10.13, @17:52

  ' как всегда делаешь вид, что не заметил и про фольгу вспомнил
' Эти не исследования, а шарлатанство. На сахарное быбло, они как мухи слетелись:
' Reviews have found no association between aspartame and cancer. These reviews have looked at numerous carcinogenicity studies in animals, epidemiologic studies in humans, as well as in vitro genotoxicity studies. These studies have found no significant evidence that aspartame causes cancer in animals, damages the genome, or causes cancer in humans at doses currently used.[8][38][41] This position is supported by multiple regulatory agencies like the FDA[57] and EFSA as well as scientific bodies such as the National Cancer Institute.[47]
' Concern about possible carcinogenic properties of aspartame was originally raised and popularized in the mainstream media by John Olney in the 1970s and again in 1996 by suggesting that aspartame may be related to brain tumors. Reviews have found that these concerns were flawed, due to reliance on the ecological fallacy[58] and the purported mechanism of causing tumors being unlikely to actually cause cancer. Independent agencies such as the FDA and National Cancer Institute have reanalyzed multiple studies based on these worries and found no association between aspartame and brain cancer

действительно, FDA ничего не увидело в этих исследованиях
а ты ожидал другого?
там же сотрудники монсанты и сидят

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