Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Борис all in дурости suddenly charges - ;-)))

Автор: Kastor

Дата: 26.01.01, @14:03

`Is devoted Кастору and all to rests
`The writer: Сээээээээээээээээр < Исаак a Newton >
`Date: 26.01.01, @13:41
`The taiga friend ours shy looks
`Dropping слюни on снежок
`And mind(wit) it(him) little bit near
`Allows вникнути - чпок, чпок
`And Серждио all Мэла hates
`It(he) with Крузом should be compared?
`You see is valid, Патриот is итить not a miracle
`And film, known by all, - them to not compare
`And Энтони already проперся
`In a volumetric sound having looked
`The wife it(him) groans, as ерошится
`From ежвечерних ежминутных рев
`And Стид praises her(it) вовсюя
`And Десперадо in мгле
`And Орку to defend it has not managed
`Родригеса creation сие
`And the people new flash
`Praise her(it), one in one!
`On македонски everyone shoot
`And in motor scooters anyone is uniform
`Only Зиппо spiteful silently дрючит
`Бумажку мятую in a hand
`It(he) also wants to purchase her(it), only case
`Palms off on it(him) other ДВДе
`Борис all in дурости suddenly charges
`Пропершись itself more than once in cinema
`And disk for a long time it(he) has purchased
`But does not know about сием никте
`And Андис has reconsidered of its(her) time eight
`Also has purchased the third disk
`One to itself on a shelf
`Втрой and third - reserve оне
`And Скример proud dissects
`Considering лучшием экшеном her(it)
`And truth in it such
`That wisdom for him(it) of years on 40, instead of on 17 =)
`Фокстри has raped in thirtieth
`And last time - Кенвудок
`The neighbours did not sob - мычали
`When голубочки пархали after a hall
`And all for a long time занают
`Parable in языцех she(it)
`AS BASIS that not without reason name
`Ми2, Ми2, Ми2!!!!!!
`The mission is impracticable a part 2!!!!
`Псю... A psi... A psi...

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