Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Re: Перевод на английский. (ПРомт 99) Не удержался...

Автор: Pumbaa
Дата: 26.01.01, @13:50

Is devoted Кастору and all to rests

The writer: Сээээээээээээээээр < Исаак a Newton >
Date: 26.01.01, @13:41

The taiga friend ours shy looks
Dropping слюни on снежок
And mind(wit) it(him) little bit near
Allows вникнути - чпок, чпок

And Серждио all Мэла hates
It(he) with Крузом should be compared?
You see is valid, Патриот is итить not a miracle
And film, known by all, - them to not compare

And Энтони already проперся
In a volumetric sound having looked
The wife it(him) groans, as ерошится
From ежвечерних ежминутных рев

And Стид praises her(it) вовсюя
And Десперадо in мгле
And Орку to defend it has not managed
Родригеса creation сие

And the people new flash
Praise her(it), one in one!
On македонски everyone shoot
And in motor scooters anyone is uniform

Only Зиппо spiteful silently дрючит
Бумажку мятую in a hand
It(he) also wants to purchase her(it), only case
Palms off on it(him) other ДВДе

Борис all in дурости suddenly charges
Пропершись itself more than once in cinema
And disk for a long time it(he) has purchased
But does not know about сием никте

And Андис has reconsidered of its(her) time eight
Also has purchased the third disk
One to itself on a shelf
Втрой and third - reserve оне

And Скример proud dissects
Considering лучшием экшеном her(it)
And truth in it such
That wisdom for him(it) of years on 40, instead of on 17 =)

Фокстри has raped in thirtieth
And last time - Кенвудок
The neighbours did not sob - мычали
When голубочки пархали after a hall

And all for a long time занают
Parable in языцех she(it)
AS BASIS that not without reason name
Ми2, Ми2, Ми2!!!!!!

The mission is impracticable a part 2!!!!
Псю... A psi... A psi...

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