Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

к вопросу о пк-гэйминге

Автор: taciturn
Дата: 22.03.10, @21:25


A gamer accused of cheating in a net café game of CounterStrike narrowly escaped death after irate players skewered his head on a knife.

The incident began in a net café in China’s northern province of Jilin, when a group of youths apparently noticed a 17-year-old boy they had been playing CounterStrike with had been cheating by using a “wallhack” to allow himself to see through walls. An argument began and a fight broke out outside the café. During the fight the cheater had a 30cm knife thrust into his left temple, with the blade only being stopped by the other side of his skull.

His assailants fled the scene after inflicting this injury, and he was quickly taken to hospital in an ambulance, still remaining conscious. Doctors decided to operate immediately.


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