Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: Spear
Дата: 27.11.07, @17:54


Furthermore, there is the practical issue of having a modest amount of ambient reflected light even in a dark room. Unless the walls, floor, ceiling, and furnishings are very dark and non-reflective, the light from a projection screen will be reflected back onto the screen by the surfaces in the environment. This cuts the maximum contrast potential of a projector in a hurry. Once we get into actual contrast ratings of ***10,000:1 or more, the ***room environment becomes a significant factor affecting what you see on the screen. Since most consumers are using living rooms or family rooms as their viewing space, the option to render everything in the room dark and non-reflective, just to get maximum contrast on the screen, is not practical. Buying a super high contrast projector and putting it in a typical living room is like buying a high performance sports car and driving it around on city streets—yes, the muscle is there, but you won't ever experience the performance it is capable of.

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