Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Почитал в их конфе какие фильмы буржуи считают худшими ... :) (+)

Автор: Филипп

Дата: 30.10.00, @16:17

  `It has to be Being John Malkovich !!! Awfull !!! We (my wife and I) had to stop it in the middle, and then watch it again, when we had the renewed strenght.

Чем они там с женой занимались-то?

`The Big Libewoski, I just kept thinking, "And?"
`I wouldn't say it's the worst made, but I turned off Pulp Fiction halfway thru, I just was simply not interested.


`Bram Stoker's Dracula I found to be technically and visually amazing but I turned it off 40 minutes into the movie when the wolf started having sex with a female character. I thought it was disgusting.

Какой кошмар... Да... это отвратительно ))

`Boys Don't Cry (White trash movie)

А это какой-то негр в разговор влез...

`Magnolia!!! I also agree with Magnolia. I saw it in the theatre and people were actually leaving halfway through. I wish I did.

Как же им было тяжело, несчастным...

А вот интеллектуал появился со своими Оскарами , типа все они из восточной европы - козлы:

`I had a BBQ in my backyard during the summer and invariably we got around to film, when this Polish friend of mine started in on The English Patient... he had absolutely NO constructive respones... just "The English Patient is sh*t, The English Patient is sh*t". I even reminded him it won 9 Academy awards, yet he didn't stop... eventually I used a racial slur ( don't worry its not the first time this clown has heard that ) and then I asked him for the recipe for ice-cubes.

`This is NOT the worst movie I have seen, it actually was some really cool action but I have never been so dissapointed by a movie as MI2.

А это тебе, Стас

А вот грамотные ребята:

`You want really bad??
`Natural born Killers..Yuck,Puke!!
`Battle Field Earth..A waste of time.

`The Net....
`Well anything with Sandra Bullock as the lead.
`Forces of Nature....
`Again, anything with Sandra Bullock as the lead.

Кстати, меня тоже прет от Баллок... не знаю как ее вообще в фильмы берут...

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