Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

А чего оценка такая низкая? ;-)

Автор: Kastor

Дата: 30.10.00, @11:48

  `п**здун, извини меня!!! )) ЧИТАЙ сначала, а потом языком МЕЛИ:
`"While I may have had some
` reservations about the image, MI2
` boasts just about the best Dolby
` Digital soundtrack once can find. This
` is one very aggressive mix! Excellent
` dynamic range, imaging and
` spatiality highlight this mix, with
` very aggressive surround use. The
` LFE is very strong, and well
` integrated with the other channels.
` Since the film is just about one long
` action sequence anyway, this track
` rarely lets up. But like most
` big-budget action spectacles,
` sometimes dialogue seemed
` obscured by the effects, though
` generally audible. A very well
` balanced mix, with excellent sidewall
` imaging and quite creative use of the
` fronts and surrounds. I can't think of
` a scene without some sort of effect
` whizzing around your head, so if you
` are in need of some demo material
` to wow your friends, this is your disc.

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