Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Кастор, ты (+)

Автор: BFG
Дата: 30.10.00, @11:42

  п**здун, извини меня!!! )) ЧИТАЙ сначала, а потом языком МЕЛИ:

"While I may have had some
reservations about the image, MI2
boasts just about the best Dolby
Digital soundtrack once can find. This
is one very aggressive mix! Excellent
dynamic range, imaging and
spatiality highlight this mix, with
very aggressive surround use. The
LFE is very strong, and well
integrated with the other channels.
Since the film is just about one long
action sequence anyway, this track
rarely lets up. But like most
big-budget action spectacles,
sometimes dialogue seemed
obscured by the effects, though
generally audible. A very well
balanced mix, with excellent sidewall
imaging and quite creative use of the
fronts and surrounds. I can't think of
a scene without some sort of effect
whizzing around your head, so if you
are in need of some demo material
to wow your friends, this is your disc.

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