Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Это я давно нашёл :-) (-)

Автор: Kastor

Дата: 04.10.00, @11:22

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`With that feeling I went on to do an audio comparison of the two discs and found myself surprised once again. "Jurassic Park" is something of a landmark for DTS as it was the first movie featuring the sound format during its theatrical release and you would expect nothing but the best audio presentation. To my surprise I found the Dolby Digital and the DTS presentation virtually undistinguishable. There were moments where I believed to sense an added clarity or a hint of finer resolution, but every time I went back to the Dolby Digital version for comparison, I found these nuances reproduced there just as nicely. Since both versions come from the same audio master, this may explain some of the consistency between formats, but still it is evident that the Dolby Digital audio track is doing a phenomenal job on the DVD, just as the DTS track does.
`а также тут
`But even in the audio department, the similarities are striking. Once again we have a DTS presentation on the disc that is strikingly similar to the Dolby Digital version. Once again I was unable to spot differences between the different tracks, which once again shows, just how good Universal is dealing with its Dolby Digital assets. I wonder if you could measure the differences between the tracks - after all, there has to be a difference, albeit an inaudible one.

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