Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: BFG
Дата: 04.10.00, @10:04


For a film that is known for its fantastic sound experience, the Dolby Digital 5.1
track provided for Jurassic Park is certain to be one of the most scrutinized
and talked about soundtracks in recent DVD history. From the moment the film
begins, the sound plays a crucial role in establishing the reality and fright of the
film, and does it amazingly well. Surround use is aggressive and frequent, and
such scenes as the 'raptor feeding and the T-Rex attack provide amazing
examples of just how good Dolby Digital can be. Although the surrounds are in
use through the majority of the film, they serve to create a cohesive and open
soundstage without becoming distracting to the overall experience. If you saw
the film theatrically, you know how impressive the bass in the film is, and that
frighteningly deep and tight low end is reproduced beautifully here. The
booming footsteps and throaty roar of the Tyrannosaur are rendered so deeply
that they are more felt than heard. The only flaw in the sound presentation of
Jurassic Park is the presence of annoying distortion in one scene (Ian's
explanation to Ellie of the intricacies of Chaos Theory), but that aside, this is a
wonderful example of a soundtrack that immerses and envelops the viewer in a
visceral sonic experience.
audio=4 out 5


Having done a head-to-head comparison between the Dolby Digital version
and this DTS version. Normally I'm a proponent of DTS - I have to say my
hopes were dashed in this instance. While the center and front left/right do
pack a more verbose punch and the LFE track is much meatier the surrounds
went on vacation and forgot to tell anyone. From start to finish they're weak,
subdued, and often nonexistent. The Dolby version is full of life - with sonic
action teeming in every direction. This DTS track lacks the ambient effect,
which takes you out of the prehistoric experience. While there are many, many
scenes I can point out the most glaring is the one where the T-Rex crashes
through the trees and starts chasing the Jeep. In the Dolby version his roars
shake everything. In this version he sounds more like a sickly Chihuahua than
the greatest predator to ever walk on land.

audio=3 out 5

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