Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

А что он про Doom Generation написал вообще говорить не буду - 0 звезд :)))

Автор: Филипп

Дата: 08.09.00, @16:14

  `Nick hurries over to help bail out his old friend, and at this point I must not reveal any more of the plot, because reality begins to shift beneath our feet, and there are fundamental surprises, and then surprises about them. Give us a break, I'm thinking. Either cut through the funny stuff, or make it worth watching. But "Best Laid Plans," directed by Mike Barker from a screenplay by Ted Griffin (who wrote the much better "Ravenous"), >>>>>is so concerned with being a film that it forgets to be a movie.<<<<<<
`This is cutting edge, film school, Sundance, indie flash. Wow, this guy can manhandle a camera. And we can picture the screenplay meetings--3 x 5 cards manipulated like jigsaw pieces, to make sure all the elements join up again at the end. By the conclusion of this movie, the characters have been put through so many changes they need name tags and cue cards just to know who they still are and what they still need to say.
`Here's my question: >>>>>Would the same story, told in a linear form and without the gimmicks, and with more attention to the personalities and behavior of the characters, have been more entertaining than this funhouse mirror version? I say it's worth a try. <<<<<<
`Ну и замечательно, что это film, а не очередной movie... не хватит ли жвачек в Голливуде...?

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