Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Костя, your small russian town is only in 60 km from Moscow :)))(+)

Автор: Yuricon

Дата: 06.05.04, @11:38

  ' I hope someone will translate it to you, we have in small 'near msk' town same taxi system, u discuss price via phone, driver just drives.
' and we have lavra (1 of 4th on ex-ussr, including the one u have attend at Kiev) just 60 km on north from msk.

Is it possible to find something outstanding right near your house?!!
The real wonder can't lay nearer 500km

Эх! Да что у нас!... А что, и у нас?..

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