Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

serious answer

Автор: musha from EU
<polem promahnulsa>

Дата: 17.09.03, @11:24

  Otto, incredible amount of ppl in US, which are in age 12-22 now, never (ok vary rare) buy/take film on dvd. there are incredible amount of sources in i-net where using cheap DSL anyone can take
b)svcd rip
c)dvd rip (which is used by R7 manufacturers as well)
So, I think that ppl in 2010 will just download rips and look on them on home pc. 1000-5000 ppl in US will use VOD, HD-DVD, whatever you like. I'm deadly serious

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