Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Re: Сказал, а потом "в кусты"...(+)

Автор: mojo

Дата: 10.07.00, @14:28

  `Тут есть еще одно но , все дело в том , что Н+ выходит не только с ADI , но и с BT , хотя насколько я понимаю они очень похожи но разница есть.

Тут один грек уже разбирался с этим . Разница есть и не хилая

Subject: Re: RGB ON H+ vs DXR3
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 13:53:10 +0300
From: "цАБЯчР еУэЦЦЕКОР" <gbrutos@kat.forthnet.gr>
Organization: Sigma Designs
Newsgroups: REALmagic.questions
References: 1 , 2

Ok, i checked it. With DXR3 board is NOT possible to get RGB signal out.
This board uses the Bt865A video encoder chip. It has 4 pins for video
signal output:

The pin 8 is Composite Video or Blue
The pin 10 is also Composite Video or Green
The pin 12 is Croma (C for S-Video) or Red
The pin 13 is Luminance (Y for S-Video) or Composite Video

The DXR3 uses only pins 10,12,13. It doesn't use pin #8, so it is NOT
possible to get RGB signal.

An othet point is the pin 14. If this pin is in logical zero (i.e. low
voltage) then the output from pin 8,10,12,13 is CompVideo, CompVideo, C, Y
respectively, that means we have two composite video (from 8,10 pins) and
one S-video (12,13 pins) signal. But, if the pin 14 is in logical 1 then the
output is one RGB signal with blacking and sync (from 8,10,12 pins) and one
composite video signal (pin 13).

BUT in DXR3 board pin #14 is NOT connected. That means that it is ALWAYS in
logical zero, so there is NOT any way to get RGB signal from a DXR3 board.

The thinks are diferrent with the real H+ board. If H+ uses the ADV7175/6A
video encoder chip then it IS possible to get RGB signal and also YUV signal
out. This chip uses again 4 pins to get out the video signals, but it is
more more flexible than the Bt865A chip. Perhaps, H+ uses only 3 pins from
the 4, but this is not problem.

The ADV chip use software to control the type of signal in each of the 4
video output pins (pins #26,#27,#31 and #32). The Bt chip uses hardware way
to control the type of output. So with the correct values to the Mode
Registers of the internal MPU (MR06, MR26, and MR37) of ADV you can get:

4 different configurations for two Composite video and one S-video signal,
2 different configurations for one RGB and one Composite video signal,
2 different configurations for one YUV and one Composite video signal.

In any way, must be possible to get out RGB from the H+ board, if it uses
the ADV7175A or ADV7176A chip.
If I manage to find any H+ card I am going to investigate this more. But for
now I have only the DXR3 board.

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