Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: Один хрен, weave включаешь - лучше становится, непонятно почему (-)

Автор: LevAris
Дата: 26.12.02, @10:42

  Field combining (or “Weave”)

In this technique, each pair of two consecutive fields is merged together to form a frame. This generally only works well if there is very little or no movement between the two fields, such as is the case with a single frame of film. If there is movement between fields, the image will have combing, which is very distracting. Hence very few deinterlacers use this as a primary algorithm.

Собственно это многое объясняет. Weave делает именно то, что делает обычный прогрессивный NTSC плеер с прогрессивной картинкой - просто складывает имидж из 2 полей и выплевывает на выход. То бишь получаем чистую прогрессивную картинку без дополнительных преобразований. Но как замечено выше, в стационарах этот метод практически не используется, потому может 737-й и кажет с дефектами.

Single-field interpolation (or “Bob”)

This just involves taking each field and scaling it to a full frame. The missing lines between each of the scan lines in the field are filled in with interpolated data from the lines above and below. Done badly, the screen looks blocky and pixellated. Even done well, the image looks very soft, as image resolution is unavoidably lost. In addition, thin horizontal lines will tend to “twitter” as the camera moves. These thin lines will fall on just one field of the frame, so they will appear and disappear as the player alternates between the odd fields and even fields. This is the most basic deinterlacing algorithm, and the one that almost every deinterlacer falls back on when nothing else will work.

Насколько я помню, powerDVD юзает этот метод как второй. И как замечено выше, картинка может выходить blocky and pixellated.

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