Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: Kastor
Дата: 03.03.01, @21:15

  `Мне бы из-за Апельсина, Сияния, Стрейнджлава и Линдона он нужен...

More on Kubrick

After Wednesday's press release heralding the upcoming new and improved release of The Kubrick Collection, Warner has answered the queries about the technical specs of the discs. We'll be doing something a bit more in-depth on all of this before the collection's release, but for now here goes: the only anamorphic title in the set is 2001: A Space Odyssey...all the rest are either 1.66:1 non-anamorphic widescreen (Barry Lyndon, A Clockwork Orange, Lolita) or open matte full frame (The Shining, Full Metal Jacket and Eyes Wide Shut, which is also the U.S. R-rated version.)

Though again we'll be exploring this much more in the future, for now the reasons cited to us by Warner for the lack of anamorphic enhancement of the titles in this set is that titles intended to be exhibited at 1.66:1 would "not benefit" from anamorphic enhancement. (Based on everything we've learned at DVDFILE over the past three years, we don't think this is the case.) The statement we received from Warner regarding the lack of widescreen versions of The Shining, Full Metal Jacket and Eyes Wide Shut is that Warner wanted to honor the way "...they were originally shot by Kubrick." We find this interesting and certainly something well worth exploring... the issue of how films are "intended to be seen in the theaters" and "intended to be seen in the home", and what aesthetic and even moral implications there are to such intentions. Stay tuned for more on this whole issue in the coming weeks (hint, hint)...

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