Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Avalon is here!

Автор: drizt
Дата: 27.02.01, @18:50

  Mamoru Oshii Avalon release date in Japan is 01/20/2001

"It really only shares with the Matrix some of the most basic concepts (a vaguely-realistic computer-generated world in which one can perform superhuman (or near-superhuman in the case of Avalon) acts of violence, and of course the underlying solipsism), but that is the best thing to compare it with, as fewer people are familiar with the short-lived tv series "Harsh Realm" (which is really a much better comparison). Anyhow, Avalon is reminiscent of those shows, but is DEFINITELY its own movie.

The visuals are done in three different modes...a bizarre, surreal fantasy world (which is largely what the trailers were composed of), the less-weird REAL world, and another, which to describe would be to spoil. And they are fantastic. The un-realism of the game sequences is part of the believability of this film. They look the way one might expect the descendants of today's first-person shooters to look. (Well, except that I would expect more COLOR.) And the dreariness of the real-world sequences makes the payoff at the end that much bigger.

The ONLY complaint I have with this movie (besides that my Japanese isn't good enough to make out all the subtitles, and I don't speak Polish) is that it doesn't show us much of the real world. Everything we see is directly related to the game...it has about as much depth in that respect as the world in Pokemon. Of course, one might debate that that also pays off in the end. "

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