Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Зато nytimes весьма консервативны в своей оценке +

Автор: Jazzz
Дата: 18.03.14, @17:08

  В плане того, что используемая лексика осуждает нас, при том, что синтаксис не особенно обличителен.

' But these failings aside, it appears plain that most of Crimea's population, with the exception of the Tatar minority and some ethnic Ukrainians, was content to return to what it regards as its ancestral home. The crucial turnout figures of up to 83% are suspect and may well be inflated. But independent reporting of enthusiastic celebrations suggested the overall outcome genuinely reflected popular wishes -- and was crudely democratic.
' For this reason, it is unwise of U.S. President Barack Obama and his European counterparts to declare they will "never" recognize the Crimean result.
' ----------
' не разумно обаме не признавать крым, потому что там все демократично и крым хочет вернуться домой

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