Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Украинский начфлота перебежал сразу после назначения (+)

Автор: VodkaShot
Дата: 02.03.14, @21:28

  Его только назначили майданцы, а он уже присягнул Крыму )
The newly appointed head of Ukraine's navy has sworn allegiance to the Crimea region, in the presence of its unrecognised pro-Russian leader.

Rear Admiral Denis Berezovsky was only made head of the navy on Saturday, as the government in Kiev reacted to the threat of Russian invasion.

Russia's troops have been consolidating their hold on Crimea, which is home to its Black Sea Fleet.

The US has warned Moscow may be ejected from the G8 for its actions.

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