Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

это все GTA (-)

Автор: olegm
Дата: 19.11.13, @14:49

  ' <<<<<<<<<">
' Teens in New Jersey are playing a violent “game” called “Knockout” in which an individual is dared to try and knock an innocent pedestrian unconscious with one blow. Although a fairly recent phenomenon, the problem is gaining more awareness since the twisted “game” has started killing victims.
' One of the most disconcerting aspects of the “game” is that there is no clear target: it can be anyone, anywhere, at any time. Reportedly, it has already started to show up in other cities in and outside of the U.S.
' The “game” is so arbitrary that when one of the youths was asked what the point of it was, he shockingly replied:
' “For the fun of it.”
' http://aattp.org/teens-playing-sick-game-with-unsuspecting-pedestrians-called-knockout-thats-exactly-what-it-sounds-like/

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