Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

RE: доступно

Автор: Филипп3
Дата: 02.10.13, @10:10

  вот тебе тоже доступно

#11 Robert Novy-Marx of the University of Chicago and Joshua D. Rauh of Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management recently calculated the combined pension liability for all 50 U.S. states. What they found was that the 50 states are collectively facing $5.17 trillion in pension obligations, but they only have $1.94 trillion set aside in state pension funds. That is a difference of 3.2 trillion dollars. So where in the world is all of that extra money going to come from? Most of the states are already completely broke and on the verge of bankruptcy.

#15 After analyzing Congressional Budget Office data, Boston University economics professor Laurence J. Kotlikoff concluded that the U.S. government is facing a “fiscal gap” of $202 trillion dollars. A big chunk of that is made up of future obligations to Social Security and Medicare recipients.


бэбибумеры в твоей любимой стране уже бодрячком стали выходить на пенсию
масштабы пиздеца с нашими не сравнить
нашим пенсионерам в нищите проживать не привыкать
а вот тебя ждет гражданская война а вокруг тебя негры...
ты держись

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