Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

вот тоже прекрасное (+)

Автор: Филипп3
Дата: 18.08.13, @21:05

  Bailout Ben has painted himself into a corner. The mere mention of tapering caused the market to fall 5% in the blink of an eye. The market’s dependency on QE has reached an unhealthy level. Eventually all artificial means of support fail — QE will be no different.

Bernanke’s experiment in trying to defy the history of printed money has failed, it’s just that the chapter has not yet been written. If you want to know how it ends read the ones on Argentina, Yugoslavia, Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe.

муша, учи историю зимбабве
оно тебя ждет

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