Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

ты бы так про Родину волновался (-)

Автор: Poster
Дата: 15.08.13, @00:50

  ' а я тебе про новые данные ) конец у тебе в штанах, а в сша конец рецессии и бум бум бум
' я тебе про десятилетню тенденцию, а не про нарисованные +0.5% за квартал
' сейчас был надутый хай на рынках
' когда большее количество быков и оптимизма, надо вставать вниз
' это закон природы против него не попрешь
' когда все радуются, что вот сейчас начинается восстановление - значит все с точностью наоборот
' на тебе свежак
' http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/if-you-think-the-employment-numbers-are-good-then-you-really-need-to-read-this-article
' про рабочие миеста, которые как бы восстанавливаются
' Instead, the percentage of good jobs in our economy continues to shrink, the level of home ownership continues to decline, and less than half of all Americans now consider themselves to be middle class.
' The next wave of the economic crisis has not even hit us yet, but we continue to see poverty rates soar all over the nation. In fact, just this week there was an article about the tent cities that are starting to pop up all over New Jersey...
' на тебе долг
' долг видишь, а ты в курсе, что триллионные вливания вообще практически не дали эффекта для экономики
' то, что ты видишь 0.5% - это вот эти триллионы долга? охуеть эффект
' что это значит, что и сам бернанке сказал, что нифига деньги не помогли
' таким темпом наращивать долг дальше нельзя, не смогут обслуживать его
' прекращать вливания? а ты в курсе, что экспорт долга - основная статья экспорта в сша
' это значит резкий дефицит долларов и опять же пробелмы с обслуживанием
' замкнутый круг, выхода нет
' экономика не растет и не собирается
' Sadly, what we are experiencing right now is a "mini-hope bubble" that has been produced by an unprecedented debt binge by the federal government and by unprecedented money printing by the Federal Reserve. Once this "sugar high" wears off, it will be glaringly apparent that by "kicking the can down the road" Bernanke and Obama have made our long-term problems even worse.
' Unfortunately, most Americans don't understand these things.
' Most Americans just let their televisions do their thinking for them, and right now their televisions are telling them that everything is going to be fine.
' But is that really the case?
' парадокс, но город объявляет себя банкротом именно после триллионных вливаний в экономику
' в чем фишка, где все эти деньги? т.е. реальные бюджеты схлопываются несмотря на, как ты говоришь, рост и безумные напечатанные бабки
' и на, изучай предмет
' Everything is fine, but 40 percent of all U.S. workers make less than $20,000 a year at this point.
' Everything is fine, but the U.S. economy actually lost 240,000 full-time jobs last month.
' Everything is fine, but the number of full-time workers in the United States is now nearly 6 million below the old record that was set back in 2007.
' Everything is fine, but continuing claims for unemployment benefits just spiked to the highest level since early 2009.
' Everything is fine, but in the month of June spending at restaurants fell by the most that we have seen since February 2008.
' Everything is fine, but Google's earnings for the second quarter came in way below expectations.
' Everything is fine, but Microsoft's earnings for the second quarter came in way below expectations.
' Everything is fine, but chip maker Intel has reported revenue declines for four quarters in a row.
' Everything is fine, but the number of housing starts in June was the lowest that we have seen in almost a year.
' Everything is fine, but the number of mortgage applications has dropped 45 percent since May.
' Everything is fine, but the homeownership rate in America is now at its lowest level in nearly 18 years.
' Everything is fine, but robots are starting to take over fast food jobs. If working class Americans someday won't even be able to work at McDonald's, what will they do to earn money in the years ahead as the jobs disappear?
' Everything is fine, but the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline has now reached $3.66.
' инфляцию заказывал? так она уже идет
' Everything is fine, but the U.S. government is going to borrow about 4 trillion dollars in fiscal 2013.
' Everything is fine, but worldwide business confidence has fallen to the lowest level since the last recession.
' Everything is fine, but the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff just told Congress that Obama is considering using the U.S. military to intervene in the conflict in Syria.
' Unfortunately, the cold, hard reality of the matter is that everything is not fine.
' As a nation, we consume far more wealth that we produce.
' As a nation, we buy far more stuff from the rest of the world than they buy from us.
' As a nation, our debt is growing at a much faster pace than our economy is.
' As a nation, our share of global GDP has been dropping like a rock over the past decade.
' Our economic infrastructure is being systematically gutted, Wall Street has been transformed into a gigantic casino and poverty in the United States continues to explode even in the midst of this so-called "economic recovery".
' How in the world can the mainstream media get away with telling the American people that everything is just fine?
' The economic fundamentals are absolutely screaming that massive trouble is on the horizon. Hopefully people are getting ready, because a whole lot of pain is on the way for this country.
' но ты можешь дальше смотреть cnn, покруче чем наш первый и наслаждаться достижениями американского народного хозяйства.

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