Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: Филипп3
Дата: 05.05.13, @23:43

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IB is the UN’s trojan horse to grab the ‘smart’ kids and brainwash them into thinking that the UN is their government, America sucks, and that capitalism is evil. It has no place in our public schools using OUR PUBLIC DOLLARS. I OBJECT TO IT.

Sure you can home school your kid to protect him from all this nonsense, but 95% of the kids will be ruined by it just because their parents know nothing better.

I took languages in grade 5, and we did not need the UN to help us have a good curriculum that is rigorous. IB spends too much time trying to change the students’ values, and for many of us, NOT FOR THE BETTERMENT OF SOCIETY IN THIS COUNTRY, which should be the goal…

But there lies the rub — some of you are obviously not for American exceptionalism.. shame on you.

заговор ООН против США, чтобы подорвать их капиталистические устои

или вот

As an IB student, I completely agree that the program is left-wing, anti-american and to an extent anti-american. The books required for the IB English classes ALL have a huge bias against Christianity. The history classes take shots at America’s founding, condemn the strategies that won the Cold War and label America as a bully whenever it defends itself or freedom(WWII, Vietnamn, Desert Storm). As to Left-Wing, its not the ‘American’ left per se, just left wing in the Marxist, Lenninist style. Yes there is nothing wrong with thier intention of pushing students to question everything and not be followers, but that could be accomplished without trying to show America as the new Nazi Germany and the commmunist as innocent, good intentioned people/countries. *Correction* Former IB student- I have withdrawn from the program even though I have all A’s and one B because of the above reasons and others. The IB program is a disgrace and should be taken out back and shot.

оказывается, они спасали вьетнамскую свободу и их роль в ВВ2 занижена прям настоящий ленинизм

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