Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Гы... Амазон вернул один цент

Автор: SL

Дата: 11.03.13, @21:12

  Greetings from Amazon.com.

You saved $0.01 with Amazon.com's Pre-order Price Guarantee!

The price of the item(s) decreased after you ordered them, and we gave you the lowest price.

The following title(s) decreased in price:

Virgin Killer

Price on order date: $20.19
Price charged at shipping: $20.19
Lowest price before release date: $20.18
Amount to be refunded: $0.01
Quantity: 1
Total Savings: $0.01

You will receive an additional e-mail when this refund is processed.

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