Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Smirnoff не в кассу. Надо бы Kristall and Kalashnikov [-]

Автор: Alihan-Anoh

Дата: 14.12.12, @13:50

  ' Priviet motherfuckers, I am Vladimir,
' I believe in Mother Russia and I persevere.
' I was a Spetsnaz in the Red Army
' and there was no better killer than me
' But the Glasnost came and I lost my job,
' and became a hitman for the russian mob.
' I shot and killed both pimps and tsars for Vodka, guns and caviar.
' Dragunov and Stolichnaya (x3),
' Smirnoff and Kalashnikov
' Dragunov and Stolichnaya (x3),
' Smirnoff and Kalashnikov
' I freelanced until 94 as a volunteer in the Balkan war
' and then went home to Stalingrad for cars and women, ruble and blood.
' So if you live in constant fear
' just call and ask for ... Vladimir.
' I do the business, someone dies,
' nastarov'je and goodbye!
' Dragunov and Stolichnaya (x3),
' Smirnoff and Kalashnikov
' http://ru-klukva-ru.livejournal.com/1092855.html

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