Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

врядли. я и ифон не покупал (-)

Автор: musha
Дата: 12.12.12, @21:14

  ' эппл тв?
' 11% of respondents said they would be "extremely interested" in buying an Apple-branded TV set, which translates into 13 million units in the U.S. alone. 36% said they would be "somewhat interested," which could translate into another 43 million units.
' The 47% who were either "extremely" or "somewhat" interested is more than twice the 23% who said they were interested in buying an iPhone and the 21% who were interested in an iPad before either of those products were released.
' Respondents who owned at least one Apple device were nearly four times more interested in buying an iTV that those who did not.
' 46% of respondents were willing to pay over $1,000 for an iTV and 10% were willing to pay over $2,000. On average, respondents were willing to pony up $1,060, a 20% premium over the the average $884 they paid for their current TV set.
' -----
' 25% тупых пиндосов купит чтобы там эппол не выпустил.

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