Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: John Smith
Дата: 09.10.12, @07:10

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“Everybody in the movie has this nano technology tracking in their body and whenever there’s a death, a location tag is sent to the authorities from this tracking material. So they can’t kill people in the future.

любой бункер поглубже экранирует эти нанопередатчики на раз

But if they send them back, that is not triggered.” He continues, “The material is powered off the body’s heat and it has a two year life after the person dies.” As for the wife, that was a big mistake made by the mobsters and the reason we see the shot of the village burning is that’s their half-assed attempt to cover it up.

ага т.е. старый добрый поджег таки работает!

Единственный не притянутый к ушам ответ: "Unfortunately, this is the chicken and the egg explanation. There is no answer."
тоже считаю, что вопросы на тему временных парадоксов тут не уместны

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