Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Наивные: "Какое чудо! На одном плеере играет, на другом - нет!" (-)

Автор: Spooky

Дата: 19.01.01, @13:13

  `Here’s a bit of an update on various disc problems currently doing the rounds. First, the BBC’s Wallace and Gromit disc. Following our earlier story about this, we now hear from Martin Spencer that it won’t play on his Samsung 807 or on Jonathan Young’s Samsung 511.
`On the other hand, Roger Amos assures us that it does work on his Sony 525, while Carey Wohnort also has good news about the disc in Lecson DVD200 and Pioneer 626 players. Mystifyingly, though, Mark Sykes contradicts earlier information by suggesting that the disc does play on his first-gen Wharfedale 750 player! Are any other Wharfedale owners able to confirm this?
`Our next problem DVD is the Toy Story boxset. Paul Rollinson informs us that many people are having to send their boxsets back because the casing scratches the disc, due to raised writing on the disc-holding section of the case catching the disk every time it is placed back after use.
`Finally we’ve just heard from Mark Edwards that Limp Bizkit’s R2 DVD single of Rollin’ isn’t even recognised by his otherwise reliable Philips 730...

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