Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

По мотивам "Молодого человек ударили в лицо" (+)

Автор: victor
Дата: 08.09.12, @23:44

  Недовольный пассажир плюнул водителю автобуса в лицо. Заслужил 75 дней тюрьмы.

A man aboard a TTC bus at Kennedy Station Saturday, August 25, was unhappy with the bus routing. After receiving directions from the driver, he became angry and spat in the bus operators’ face. The man fled the scene, but Toronto Police Service officers arrested him a short time later.

Gary Oke, 61, pleaded guilty to a charge of assault Wednesday, August 29 and he was sentenced to 75 days in jail.

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