Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

И правда... источники подтверждают, что это - городская легенда

Автор: SL

Дата: 07.08.12, @16:47

  Подобного реактива не существует. Изготовить нечто подобное возможно, однако реагировать оно будет не только на мочу, но и на другие вещества, присутствующие в воде.

No matter what your parents told you, there isn't any magical chemical that when added to a swimming pool will reveal the presence of urine in the water. As "Alan" at the Aqua Clear web site says: "There is no chemical that can function as an indicator for urine in a pool." Others in the industry concur this belief is all chimera and no substance.

Those in the pool supply business are routinely confronted with requests for the "urine-indicator dye" (as the mythical substance has come to be known). The belief in such a chemical spans the United States, Canada, and Spain, as does the juvenile certainty particular pools are spiked with it.

Experts on such matters say although a reliable dye could be produced, the trick would be getting it to react only to urine and not trigger in the presence of similar organic compounds likely present in swimming pools.


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