Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Это тихий ужас :) (-)

Автор: Sergio

Дата: 12.01.01, @13:44

`Кто видел? На двд скоро...
`The Tripods was a science fiction adventure based on John
` Christopher's award-winning Tripods Trilogy. This futuristic
` story is set in a world where mankind is enslaved by alien rulers -
` the Tripods. The Tripods keep humanity under their control with
` the aid of "Caps". The Cap is a mind-control device which makes
` people obedient to the Tripods. Capping is a mandatory ceremony
` which everyone must undergo when they reach the age of 16.
` Will Parker and his cousin Henry are due to be Capped
` themselves. They run away from home to make a dangerous
` journey to the distant White Mountains, where a group of
` un-Capped rebels plot the overthrow of the Tripods.
` This story is about a fight for freedom. The people who aren't
` Capped are up against overwhelming odds - the might and power
` of alien oppressors, and the mindless obedience of their Capped
` slaves. But as long as people remain free hope stays alive.
` Sadly, this programme was axed before the final volume of the
` trilogy was dramatized, due to low ratings and the high cost of
` production. This was a disappointment because a good show was
` left with an "up in the air" kind of ending where nothing was
` resolved. If you wanted to know how it really ended you would
` have to read the book.

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