Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

заслушал Three Seasons "Life's Road" (+)

Автор: John Smith
Дата: 19.04.11, @11:09

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"Three Seasons‘ Life’s Road is a new album out this year from the Swedish label Transubstans Records. This label is certainly one of my favorites at the moment. Three Seasons is a trio that consists of Sartez Faraj on vocals and guitars, Olle Risberg on bass and Christian Eriksson on drums. Well-informed fans of 70’s hard/psyche rock will notice here the name Sartez Faraj who used to sing in Siena Root.

....So, what we’ve got here is a hard/blues rock with a pinch of psychedelia and prog. The inspiring guitar solos, interesting rhythm section and always beautiful Hammonds, together with Sartez’ characteristic voice build up the image of Life’s Road.

As I love to describe someone’s music by looking for possible influences that can be heard, let me tell you what Three Seasons makes me think of:
•The Hammond organs of Deep Purple’s Jon Lord;
• Jimmy Page & Jimi Hendrix’ guitars;
• Gov’t Mule’s blues;
• Pink Floyd’s melodiousness;
• Siena Root, Graveyard, Witchcraft’s contemporaneity.

Naturally I’m not saying Three Seasons’ music is unoriginal. This trio has succeeded in blending many disparate elements while still making it their own. Three tracks out of nine end up going over ten minutes and these three (Each to Their Own, An Endless Delusion & Since Our First Day) show off the band’s full potential. There are more influences, of course. One may hear a bit of jazz at particular moments on the album, or folksy stuff, and lots of classic rock, but all together it forms the sound of Three Seasons.



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