Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

у мя пара шкафов ихних хардкаверов, там едва набереЦЦа 1% с кортинкоме (-)

Автор: Fester
Дата: 02.02.11, @15:52

  ' когда я увидел, с какой серьёзностью електронная книга предлагает посмотреть цветные фотографии на чорнобелом экране - то от удивления минут пять разговаривать не мог
' это ж как надо промыть мозги, штабы консумер скушал такое
' хардкавер в б-ве случаев с картинкаме, хорошиме.
' его невозможно заменить хуетой
' хотя некоторые, говорят, с айпедов читают.
' весьма универсальный оказался прибор
' жаль, пока не поступало данных, что ими же подтираются, с ними же совокупляются и употребляют синтезируемую ими пищевую суспензию
' пейпербеки vs файлик с таким же текстом - преимущества файлика очевидны
' но хардковеры держатся - за сч0т картинок, вестимо!!!
' Amazon: Kindle books outselling paperbacks
' Yes, it's finally happened. The digital book has overtaken the paper book on Amazon.com. And this time that isn't only true about hardcover books. Now we're talking paperbacks.
' In reporting its latest earnings, Amazon said that it was selling more Kindle books than paperback books, though the score is still close. Since January 1, for every 100 paperback books Amazon sold, 115 Kindle books were sold. To top it off, the company says that since the beginning of the year it's sold three times as many Kindle books as hardcover books. Amazon noted that this data was from "across Amazon.com's entire U.S. book business and includes sales of books where there is no Kindle edition." It added that free Kindle books were excluded from the tally.
' While Amazon has said previously that Kindle e-book sales were outpacing hardcover sales, this is the first time it's said that Kindle books were outselling paperbacks, which typically cost significantly less than hardcovers. As usual, Amazon didn't report exact sales and would only say that it had sold "millions of third-generation Kindle devices."
' Some reports suggest Amazon sold more than 8 million Kindles in 2010. Combine that with all the people buying the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch, as well as millions of Android-powered devices, and you can see how Amazon's digital book sales got a huge boost. (Amazon, like Barnes & Noble, offers its e-reading Kindle app across multiple platforms).
' As for total numbers, all Amazon would say was that it currently has 810,000 books in the Kindle Store and that doesn't include the millions of free, out-of-copyright, pre-1923 books that are also available as e-books.
' http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20029839-1.html

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