Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

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Автор: Beaverage

Дата: 19.12.00, @09:21

  16:16 18Dec2000 France limits DVD sales of U.S. films

PARIS, Dec 18 (Reuters) - France's Culture Ministry, aiming to protect local cinemas whose largest single source of revenue are U.S. films, has banned the sale of DVDs of American films until six months after they premiere on screens in France.
A decree, signed by minister Catherine Tasca, will go into effect on January 1 and could slow local sales of Digital Versatile Discs (DVD), of which up to 13 million were sold in France this year, industry sources said.
The unrestricted sale of DVDs, often before the film came out on French screens, was starting to bite into the earnings of cinema owners who draw close to 55 percent of their revenues from American films.
Six of last year's top crowd-drawing films in France were American, two were British and two were French. More than 155 million cinema tickets were sold in France last year.
Specialists say cinema-mad France is expected to be the European country with the highest proportion of sales of DVDs and DVD players next year.
Illustrating the popularity of DVDs, the trade magazine Le Film Francais reported that 134,000 DVD copies and 325,000 VHS videotape copies of Joan of Arc, one of the two French films among the country's top 10 movies, recently went on sale.
Sixty percent of the DVDs were sold within six days compared to only 10 percent of the VHS copies, the publication said.
It added that videotapes were expected to disappear quickly once recordable DVDs go on the market late next year.
The new decree did not mention French films but the newspaper Liberation said it would not be economically viable to make DVD versions of most of them.
Liberation also predicted that whatever the new decree said, film fans could easily sidestep it by ordering DVDs by Internet as soon as they were sold in the U.S.
((Paris newsroom +331 4221 5339, fax +331 4236 1072, paris.newsroom@reuters.com))

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