Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

Вытяжка из 14000 комментов на Youtube (+++)

Автор: Отец Разрозненности
Дата: 12.03.10, @02:23

  He speaks the truth. So beautiful :.(

Zombie music at its best!

не позорь русских

Only magic mushrooms )))

да кстате многие тут америкашки думают что он принял какой-то допинг

This fucker will get u in ur sleep if ur not careful...

when that guy laughs, i cry

This song could fit perfectly in Bioshock XD

OMG! He looks like Sledge Hammer! =)

I had no idea the soviet government conducted experiments with LSD.

and this is why hitler killed himself

I am from Russia and I remember him in 70s when I was a boy. At the beginning it was OK, but then I was really sick watching him every day on TV. And he always looked just as stupid as he does here. And he wasn't someone who the people really liked

Выражение лица называется "храните деньги в сберегательной кассе"

И т.д. и т.п. ))))))))))))))))))))))

сцылко (под 2 миллиона просмотров!!!)

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