Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

чет с датами какой-то косяг, наверное так надо, прогрессив) (-)

Автор: commando
Дата: 09.03.10, @17:47

  ' The Mission is the sixth studio album released by Royal Hunt. It is a concept album based around Ray Bradbury's sci-fi classic 'The Martian Chronicles'. Each track from this album is dedicated to the defined chapter of the book.
'The Mission' and 'The Martian Chronicles'
' 1."Take Off" - "August 2001 - The Settlers"
' 2."The Mission" – "January 1999 - Rocket Summer"
' 3."Exit Gravity" - "October 2002 - The Shore"
' 4."Surrender" – "April 2000 - The Third Expedition"
' 5."Clean Sweep" – "April 2005 - Usher II"
' 6."Judgement Day" – "June 2001 - And The Moon Be Still As Bright"
' 7."Metamorphosis" - "February 2002 - The Locusts"
' 8."World Wide War" – "August 2026 - There Will Come Soft Rain"
' 9."Dreamline" (Instrumental) – "February 2003 - Interim"
' 10."Out of Reach" – "August 2002 - Night Meeting"
' 11."Fourth Dimension" - "November 2005 - The Watchers"
' 12."Days of No Trust" – "April 2026 - The Long Years"
' 13."Total Recall" – "November 2005 - The Off Season"

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