Архив форума "Клуб любителей DVD" с 2000 по 2014гг

посыл уловил :) (-)

Автор: Филипп
Дата: 23.02.10, @00:46

  ' OV-104 (cn OV-104) Shuttle Atlantis sits on Launch Pad 39A (foreground) with Endeavour in the background, in preparation for STS-125, the final mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope. Endeavour is to be ready to launch as a rescue shuttle within one week of Atlantis, as this is the only post-Columbia shuttle mission not going to the space station. It is the last planned time two shuttles will occupy the pads at the same time, and only the third time ever both are visible with launch towers retracted.
' Т.е. их реально 2, я думал это глюк на фотке))
' Армагеддон смотрел?

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